About JSOT

The Jordan Society of Occupational Therapy (JSOT) is the national professional society in Jordan founded in 2004 to represent the interests and concerns of Occupational Therapy practitioners and students of occupational therapy and to improve the quality of Occupational Therapy services in Jordan. Current JSOT membership is approximately 250 members, including Occupational Therapy Students, Occupational Therapists and other members from different majors, who are interested in Occupational Therapy. Members reside inside & outside Jordan. JSOTs major programs and activities are directed toward assuring the quality of occupational therapy services; improving consumer access to health care services, and promoting the professional development of members. JSOT educates the public and advances the profession by providing resources, setting standards, and serving as an advocate to improve health care. JSOT is based in Amman.


What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapy (OT) is one of the health care professions concerned with the assessment and treatment of patients of different age groups, who suffer from problems in the performance of their daily functions and tasks (Activities of daily living and meaningful activities), whether those problems resulting from diseases, injuries or physical disabilities, mental, developmental or behavioral disorders or psycho-social problems. Many approaches are used for treatment, whether for individuals or groups, through the use of meaningful and purposeful activities, therapeutic exercises, special tools, assistive devices and assistive technology and splints, and this will lead to increase the patients’ independence and enable them to perform their daily functions and help patients to be reintegrated into community.This profession also aims to improve the health of individuals and groups.

ما هو العلاج الوظيفي؟

 هي إحدى المهن الصحية التي تعنى بتقييم ومعالجة المرضى من مختلف الفئات العمرية, الذين يعانون من مشاكل في أداء وظائفهم (أنشطتهم اليومية والهادفة) سواء كانت تلك المشاكل ناتجة عن أمراض أو إصابات أو إعاقات جسدية أو نفسية أو تطورية أو اضطرابات سلوكية أو نفس-اجتماعية. و يستخدم في العلاج سواء الفردي أو الجماعي الطرق و الوسائل و الانشطة الهادفة والتمارين العلاجية والادوات وأجهزة التكنولوجيا المساعدة وعمل الجبائر الطرية وذلك لزيادة استقلالية المريض و تمكينه من أداء وظائفه اليومية وإعادة تأهيله في مجتمعه. كما تهدف هذه المهنة الى الارتقاء في صحة الأفراد والجماعات.